Play Tools - Cherry and Maple Claw Hammer

neutral, Brown
4-6 years, 6-8 years, 8 and up
Pretend Play

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Wooden Play Tools

Made in USAEco-FriendlyHand Made

Crafted for small hands, this wooden play hammer is the perfect pretend tool for young children eager to assist and "work" alongside adults.

  • Dimensions: Hammer: 7" long x 1", Hammer head: 1" x 3"
  • Materials: Cherry, maple, and birch hardwoods
  • Finish: Three BEEautiful Bees All Natural Beeswax Polish
  • Care: When the wood begins to look dull and dry, reapply our beeswax polish to recondition the wood. This will help preserve wooden items for generations to come.
  • Made in the USA by Camden Rose
Made in the USA and Peru. Camden Rose creates toys and baby products with eco-conscious families in mind. Wooden toys are made in the USA in Michigan from American hardwoods. Hand knit toys and Waldorf style dolls are made in Peru by a Fair Trade woman's cooperative.