Meet Lindsay Gibson, our Baby Registry & Maternal Health Specialist
Posted by Pam Davis on Aug 7th 2018
Though you may have seen her in one or two of our videos and as one of our blog post authors, we've yet to formally introduce Lindsay Gibson so I want to take a moment to do that today.
I met Lindsay last year and was immediately drawn to this inspiring woman!
Her first book, Just Be: How My Stillborn Son Taught Me to Surrender, is a beautiful memoir that shares how she pushes through a lot of pain. It is a lesson to us all not to let tragedy define our selves. She's such a positive role model!
Lindsay is an author, motivational speaker, birth psychology and maternity health specialist. Beyond raising her daughters to be strong, independent women who know that they are well loved, her mission in life is helping to bring inner healing and joy for women everywhere.
Her wealth of maternal health knowledge comes from 10+ years of experience as a birth and postpartum doula. She is also a maternal health practitioner & nutritionist. Her personal experience as a mother of two - soon to be three - daughters contributes as well.
As we announced today on Facebook, Lindsay will be a big part of our new Baby Registry. We are so excited to have her sharing her expertise on our blog, with members of our baby registry and on our Facebook Group: Our Green Moms!
You can also find Lindsay on: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram.
In case you missed our live Facebook announcement, you can watch it below: