First Moments with Baby and Mom
Posted by Lindsay Gibson on Sep 5th 2018
The moment you have been waiting and preparing for has arrived – your little bundle is born! Your newborn is in your arms for the first time. So many emotions flow through you that you cannot even identify them all. In those first moments with baby, the mixture of tears, laughter, and smiles as you look down at your miracle with your partner - is both magical and overwhelming!
Love floods you, and while you may have some thoughts like “I am not sure if I will be a good mom for this sweet baby of mine,” you know one thing – you will do anything in your power to protect this baby!
For some moms, in these first moments with baby, love immediately fills them. For others, it may take a while to feel that powerful connection. That is more than okay mama. Becoming a parent is the biggest job in the world. Some of us need extra support to settle into motherhood. For me personally, that connection was felt at a different pace with each of my girls.
Let’s focus in on the first few moments after a baby is born and what is happening.

First Moments With Baby
A baby spends a long 9 months developing in a nice, cozy and warm womb. When he or she is born, their instincts for survival outside of the womb will kick in right away. However, there are some things that we can become conscious about and do to help your little one adjust. The moment of your baby's first breath is intense as this is what you have been waiting for! When the majority of babies are born, you will hear a cry, sputter or a cough as they take that first breath on their own, but some babies will need a little assistant to get going. This is big for the baby because this is the first time their lungs, digestion, and circulation are working independently of you. Now that your baby is breathing - how are they taking it all in? This where you come in to help! How they adjust varies from baby to baby. Some babies come out wide-eyed and quiet. They calmly look around (mostly at you mama!) – soaking it all in. Some babies may take a peek and then, goodnight! Don’t worry though, one of your baby's strong instincts is to feed within the first hour. They will want to find your breast or feed, even if they need a little snooze first. Finally, some babies will make themselves heard by the only way they know how – crying – often loudly at first! No matter how your baby reacts to their new world around them – once they are placed in their mother’s arms and on her chest, skin-to-skin for that magical golden first hour – your baby will feel extremely secure and loved.
Skin-to-Skin Benefits:
- Regulate the baby’s temperature and keep glucose levels higher. Your breasts are able to stabilize your baby's temperature when he or she is placed on them. The contact keeps the baby’s vitals steady and temperature regulated.
- Keep the baby’s heartbeat stable by synchronizing it with Mom’s heartbeat. A mother’s heartbeat can coordinate with her baby’s heartbeat within seconds!
- Increase bonding. The hour after birth is the “Sacred” or “Golden” hour. It's during these first moments with baby that both mom and baby are primed to develop their chemical connection. Oxytocin or the “love hormone” is responsible for this connection.
- Reduce Postpartum Depression. During those first moments with baby, feeling the baby on her chest, smelling, kissing and snuggling rouses these intricate maternal hormones that stimulate mother behaviors and feelings. This can help reduce PPD symptoms of disconnect.
- A less crying baby! Holding a baby, skin-to-skin, for a few hours a day can help reduce crying in an infant. It keeps them calm and secure. This also lowers stress levels in a mom and helps her to feel more in control.
- Improve sleep for both baby and Mom. A baby held skin-to-skin sleeps better and stays asleep longer thus allowing a Mother to rest too.
- Happier tummy and a stronger immune system for baby! Yes – skin-to-skin can help the baby’s digestive system! Contact on Mom’s chest stimulates the vagal nerve which keeps digestion strong and nutrition absorbs better for stronger immunity.
- BREASTFEEDING! Skin-to-skin contact improves the breastfeeding relationship between Mom and baby very early on. A baby placed on Mom immediately after birth who continues with skin to skin at home is more likely to breastfeed with success and for longer. This helps Mom’s supply build and stay well established. Swaddling a baby away from Mom will hamper building her supply.